Thursday, August 05, 2004

Today is... of those hazy, hot summer days when everything is paintbox-bright and vivid. I walked around the property and took these shots:

Our lantanas, roses, and sedum are positively dancing with little yellow butterflies. Incidentally, in the background that's a gi-normous clump of lemongrass. I never had any success with the stuff before, but now we're in Thai food heaven.

On the edge of the woods, the kudzu is blooming. As much as I hate kudzu for being invasive and evil, I have to admit that the grapey-smelling blossoms are a treat. The moth on the right-hand blossom thinks so, too.
By the way, apologies for the blurriness. The vine was swinging to and fro in the breeze and the camera just couldn't decide what to focus on!

These roses are right by the bedroom window and bloom several times a year. The bush is huge and indestructable. It's plagued by black-spot and mildew all the time, but it keeps blooming anyway.

The pears seem to be ripening early this year. Already the wind is knocking some of them down, and in the morning we find pear cores everywhere from the midnight snacking sessions of the neighborhood deer.

Work, work, work! By the way, the ever-handy s.o. made this compost bin out of leftover porch lumber and sticks from the woods.